Fellow Qilins,
We are entering an important time of the year for several of you as the Holy Month of Ramadan starts Monday, March 11 and runs through Wednesday, April 10. Ramadan is a challenging time for observant college students, as their study habits and end of semester academic demands often mean late night work and sleeping past sunrise. They are often only able to eat one meal a day causing their daily fast in practice to be longer than sunrise to sunset. The fast requires that they abstain from food and drink sometimes leading to difficulty focusing and working at a hig level toward the end of the day.
NYU Shanghai is a nonsectarian institution which follows the NYU policy of supporting members of any religious group in balancing academic requirements with compliance with their religious obligations.
To that end, we have asked that faculty teaching evening classes during this time allow their class a break from five minutes before sunset to ten minutes after sunset. This will enable observant students to break their fast at that time and eat their Iftar meal after class ends. Dried fruits, dates, nuts, and tea will be available in the Academic Resource Center Monday through Thursday for any who wish to partake.
For examinations, we will allow observant students with afternoon or evening exams to request through their advisor taking those exams in the morning. We will follow faculty guidance on whether that means the morning before or the morning following the scheduled test time and the rescheduled exams will be proctored in the ARC.
Please see your advisor if you have any questions about the academic support for Ramadan.
Ramadan Mubarak,
John Robertson
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
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Rooftop Gardening WorkshopsMarch 12, March 26, April 16, April 30, May 14 | 12:30PM - 2PM
Come to the campus rooftop garden to learn and experience growing vegetables, as well as participate in the long-term planning of our rooftop garden! Lunch will be provided with RSVP on Engage in advance.
Language & Power Capstone PresentationsWednesday, March 13 | 6PM - 8PM | W603 | RSVP
Join us and experience the power of language firsthand. As we observe this year’s cohort reflecting on their volunteer service of teaching English to migrant children, they will also explore a variety of linguistic themes through inspiring Pecha Kucha presentations. Food will be provided.
Spring Major ExplorationCome and join us for the Spring 2024 Major Exploration during March 19 - 22 where you can learn different major requirements and gather first-hand information from faculty members and upper-class students. Each session will feature a 60-minute faculty panel talk followed by a 30-minute Mix & Mingle for individual Q&As.
- CS, DS, Engineering, IMA, and IMB
Tuesday, March 19, 6:30PM - 8PM, E901-E902 - Global China Studies, Humanities, and Social Science
Wednesday, March 20, 4PM - 5:30PM, E901-E902 - Math/Honors Math, Neural Science, and Natural Sciences
Thursday, March 21, 4PM - 5:30PM, E901-E902 - Business and Economics
Friday, March 22, 4PM - 5:30PM, E901-E902
Engagement Hours With Economics FacultyWednesday, March 20 | 12:45PM - 2PM | outside S819 and S820 | RSVP
Join us for our second Engagement Hour! Discuss your questions with Economics faculty face-to-face, unravel any confusion, and gain academic guidance on topics like graduate school, research opportunities, and career development during a free lunch.
Study Away MixerThursday, March 21 | 6PM - 8PM | 3F Magnolia House | RSVP
Thinking about your studying away but not sure what it is like to study away at a specific site? Come to the Study Away Mixer to get your questions answered by upperclassmen, learn about academic planning and immigration requirements during study away and have fun! All inbound study away students are welcome to join and share your experiences.
Academic Peer Advisor (APA): Application Now Open!
The application for 2024-2025 Academic Peer Advisors (APAs) is now open! Apply and join the APA team to gain insights on advising procedures, connect with peers, participate in peer mentorship opportunities, facilitate academic events, and receive training from different offices! Questions? Contact shanghai.peeradvising@nyu.edu.
Wild Harmony: The Art of Nature Writing
The Writing Program & CEL Office sponsors Wild Harmony: The Art of Nature Writing. This day out is designed for enjoyment and deep connection with nature, and offers a serene, pressure-free experience for you to write and relax. Led by Author & Creative Writing Professor Jay Ludowyke.
Summer Camp Counselor Opportunity!The College & Career Lab is recruiting camp counselors for a summer camp serving migrant youth in Shanghai. The camp is aimed at fostering social and emotional skills and broadening the horizons of migrant youth who must return to their hometowns to continue their education. See the 2024 CCL Summer Camp Counselor job description and application instructions.
Fall 2024 Global China Studies Course Info SessionThursday, March 28 | 6PM - 7PM | E403 | RSVP
Explore an array of Fall 2024 Global China Studies courses and engage with our distinguished faculty members. This presents an excellent opportunity to delve into the diverse courses offered by GCS, connect with faculty members, and address any inquiries you may have!
Submit Now: Research Symposium Applications!
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Academic Resource Center Workshops
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ARC Fellow Walk-In Hour at the LibraryLooking for quick help on a writing assignment but don't have time to schedule an ARC consultation? Find an ARC Fellow at the library reference desk every weekday from 2-3 for a short consultation (20 minutes or less), no appointment is needed!
Interview Skills Workshop 1
Monday, March 11 | 5:15PM - 6:15PM | S303 | RSVP
Join Part 1 of the interview skills workshop series to practice asking interview questions. We'll also review notetaking skills that can enhance your active listening during an interview. Particularly suitable for EAP students.
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Last Call for Application: Charting Your Path
Charting Your Path is a one-day event on campus designed to help highly motivated sophomores prepare for potential future fellowship and scholarship applications and gain clarity in charting their next two years. Contact shanghai.global.awards@nyu.edu for more information.
Last Call for Application: Millennium Fellowship
The UN Millennium Fellowship is calling for applications. Access to world-class training, connections, and recognition is just an application away. The program will take place on selected campuses worldwide from August 2024 to December 2024. Rolling applications, contact admissions@mcnpartners.org for details.
Schwarzman Scholarship
Designed to prepare the next generation of global leaders, Schwarzman Scholars is a one-year scholarship created to respond to the geopolitical landscape of the 21st century. The application for Chinese citizens to the Schwarzman Scholar program opens until May 20. The global applicant period is April-September 2024. The program begins in August 2025.
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Library WorkshopsZotero Power Users: Beyond the Basics Tuesday, March 12, 3PM - 4:15PM | W507 | RSVP
Copyright & Citations for: AI/Public Domain/CC Materials
Thursday, March 14, 2:15PM - 3:15PM | RSVP
From AI Grotesque to GenAI KitschChoreographies of Content Moderation and Political Correctness
Wednesday, March 13 | 4PM - 5PM | N306 (IMA Studio 1) | Drop-in event
Dr Galanos will demonstrate aspects of visual AI’s last ten years of development as a sociotechnical construct, a combination of technical programming corresponding to social factors. See event details.
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Info Session
Thursday, March 14 | 5PM | E403 | RSVP
Join us for the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School information session where you can explore career paths for Carey graduates of STEM programs, meet and connect with esteemed professors, and receive tips on how to build a strong application from the admissions and career center staff!
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Tips on Google Storage ManagementIn light of Google's recent announcement regarding the discontinuation of unlimited storage for universities including NYU, now is the right time to manage your Google storage. Email the NYU Shanghai IT if you need any assistance.
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Copyright © 2024 NYU Shanghai, All Rights Reserved.
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